Paid Media

Virtualities offers paid media services to help game developers advertise their games. Advertisements have only gotten more complicated with the rise of new store platforms, social media, and advertising venues. It can be a puzzle just to set up ad campaigns, let alone manage them to get the best results. Our paid media team will sort through it all for you, and ensure that your advertisements achieve the best results possible.

Our services for paid media include asset creation, campaign creation and management, ad consulting, reporting, and analysis. We work on ads across a variety of platforms, including Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, Google ads, and more.

Virtualities’ Past Successes

Low CPIs

Virtualities prides ourselves on our ability to achieve low CPIs, even in tricky situations. VR games in the past have trended toward high CPIs and haven’t seen high ad ROIs. Working with Virtualities, developers see a decrease in CPIs.

High CTR

Though some ads platforms don’t provide for CPI data, all provide CTR data. Virtualities has experience creating ads that provide high CTR, meaning more people that see the ad are visiting your store page or website.

Maximum ROI

Our expertise ensures maximum ROI, especially through our knowledge of best practices for paid media. We’ve seen it all, and we can tell you what steps will make your ad successful.

Ready to start your paid media campaign?

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VAL Founder and CEO Ryan Burningham seated and explaining VAL's philosophy.

Who We Are

Learn more about our philosophy and mission for VR and gaming
About us
A VR demo being shown in front of an upcoming VAL competition.

VAL Uprising

Learn more about Virtualities’ creator team
VAL Uprising